Serving the cultural resources needs of private landowners, state,federal, local government agencies and tribal communities in Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino, Trinity and Siskiyou Counties since 2002.

William Rich and Associates
Cultural Resources Consultants
William Rich, M.A.
Registered Professional Archaeologist #16584
Kimberly Rich, M.S.
Photo: Blue Rock Creek, Mendocino County
WILLIAM RICH AND ASSOCIATES has successfully completed small and large-scale cultural resources projects that include land development, ecological restoration, timber harvest plans, transportation, and cannabis permitting projects. Our services include all aspects of conventional cultural resources management: feasibility studies, management plans, research designs, archaeological investigations, resource evaluation, cultural resources mapping, mitigation prescriptions, construction monitoring, and background research. We have a reputation for respectful collaboration with Native American tribes.
We have extensive experience with CEQA, NEPA, Section 106 NHPA, and other environmental regulations as they pertain to cultural resources. WRA brings together a team of associates best suited for your needs : archaeologists, architectural historians, historians, ethnographers, geoarchaeologists, researchers and as needed, botanists and paleontologists.
We enjoy working in Humboldt, Mendocino, Del Norte, Trinity and Siskiyou Counties.
About Us
WILLIAM RICH AND ASSOCIATES is a small family-owned business, established in 2002, currently located in Humboldt County, California.
Registered Professional Archaeologist (#16584) and Principal Investigator, William Rich holds an M.A. in Archaeology and Heritage Preservation. Community activities include his service as the President of the Humboldt County Historical Society Board of Directors from 2013-2015, and involvement with the Society since 2009. He is also currently the Chair of the City of Arcata’s Historic Landmarks Committee.
Kimberly Rich, M.S. has been engaged in various administrative and technical aspects of cultural resources management for over 17 years. She is responsible for the business management, development and general oversight of WRA. Kimberly also provides technical editing expertise and quality control for each project.
Kimberly and William Rich enjoy outdoor recreation, family history, art, construction, ranching, real estate and spending time with their two children.
WILLLIAM RICH AND ASSOCIATES recognizes and affirms that cultural resources work is typically undertaken to satisfy local, state, or federal regulation of a project proponent. In this environment WRA’s services may be undertaken by clients with certain apprehension about what to expect. WRA strives to seek opportunities in the conduct of its work that foster positive outcomes for all of a project’s stakeholders. Open information sharing and communication among affected parties is a goal and expected outcome of any cultural resources project undertaking by WRA. WRA seeks to educate its clients about the value of the resource and to facilitate a smooth navigation of any given regulatory process.